Thursday, July 30, 2015

Animals I've seen on rides

Riding on the east coast I never saw many interesting animals. So far in Colorado here's what I've seen while riding

Bear (in the boulder canyon tunnel) Changed course and rode down canyon, which was probably more dangerous.
Moose (winter park) Steered clear of this guy
White pelican (Dodd reservoir, off neva road)
Snakes (bulls on walker ranch, rattler on 36)
Pack of coyotes (marshal mesa)
Fox (crested butte)
Wild turkeys (betasso, flagstaff road)
Racoons (on my roof, everywhere etc.)
Skunk (bike path)
Marmot or beaver type creature (winter park)
Deer (everywhere)

There was a mountain lion in my neighborhood which got tranquilized by animal control by the time I saw it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Racing Ralph Ralphed

This tire lasted no more than 4 rides. It started to leak from a sidewall scratch just after a winter park race, fortunately not during. Without snakeskin these tires are notorious for sidewall failures so this is not unexpected. I got a deal on the tires at $27 so can't be disappointed. I sloshed the sealant around and the by the next day it would hold 30psi. Still I didn't want to get stranded so I followed the stans repair guide and booted the tire with a tube patch. I didn't have brake clean so used isopropyl alcohol. I see if I can get four more rides out of it but I'm not taking it to any pointy-rocks type trails. I found a stans booger in the tire where the sealant must have dried from the air rushing out.